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Nercio Machele

The TESA (Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa) consortium Annual Meeting, took place on November 18th, in Luanda, Angola, hosted by CISA (Center for Health Research in Angola) in coordination with CISM (Center for Health Research in Manhiça). The meeting, was attended by representatives of all organizations members of the consortium, as well by the representatives of the Ministry of Health of Angola and the National Institute for Health Research (INIS) of the host country.

The meeting was preceded (on the 17th) by a Scientific Session that was attended not only by the members of the consortium, but also by representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Malaria Program in Angola, as well as researchers from some universities in southern Africa, who shared some results of research implemented in their countries and their training plans.

According with the Regional Project Manager, Rodrigues Matcheve, the annual meeting, had as main objective the presentation of the current state of the project, discuss advances and critical issues resulting from the implementation of different activities by the each member of the consortium. "But also, we had the opportunity within this meeting, to have the scientific session that allowed us to promote a discussion of some research results, especially in the areas of malaria, HIV and Tuberculosis" commented Matcheve.

In her opening speech at the scientific session, Alice de Fátima Pinto de Andrade Ceita de Almeida, Angolan Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, highlighted the contribution that the TESA consortium has made to public health in the southern African region, especially in Angola. "The added value of funding platforms like EDCTP has been evident at different levels, enabling research funding, in response to the global health crisis and therefore, we recognize the contribution of the TESA initiative to establish and strengthen research networks, which add value to scientific knowledge globally," said the Secretary of State.

TESA under funding of EDCTP (European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership), seeks for political and financial support from Southern African national governments and Regional Economic Committees, with a particular focus on building research capacity in locations that do not have strong clinical research traditions in the region
Participantes da Reunião Anual

"Since its inception in 2009, TESA under EDCTP (European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership) funding, actively seeks political and financial support from Southern African national governments and Regional Economic Committees, with a particular focus for research capacity development in locations that do not have strong clinical research traditions in the region. And since then, the consortium has been active in three areas which are, infrastructure development, training and mentoring, and sharing and optimization of resources," comments Francisco Saúte, Director General of CISM and coordinator of TESA.

Also according with Saúte, "in this third phase of the consortium (TESA III), we feel that we are contributing to the next generation of regional researchers, providing modern infrastructure for member countries, as well as, sharing scientific knowledge. It is important to highlight the involvement and gender balance that the consortium advocates, created specific post doctoral training packages for this group, and currently, 6 students are benefiting from this initiative, and are carrying out their research in various areas."

On the other hand, Michele Nderu, EDCTP Project Officer, highlighted the importance and need for consortium members to design strategies that seek long-term sustainability of the project.

Michele Nderu, junto com estudantes

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