According to the Spectrum (epidemiological model used in Mozambique to estimate key indicators of the HIV epidemic) estimates generated in January 2019, around 2.2 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in Mozambique. This high disease burden leads the Government to place HIV/AIDS on its public health agenda. As challenges, we highlight the goals 90-90-90 launched by UNAIDS in 2014, which aim to accelerate the response to HIV so that it is possible to control the HIV epidemic by 2020 and eliminate it by 2030. To do this, we must: guarantee the identification of people with the disease; (ii) provide treatment to infected people; (iii) guarantee that people receiving treatment achieve viral suppression and cannot transmit the virus; and (iv) strengthen education for behavior change.
It is in this context that the Center is called upon to contribute to the generation of knowledge that supports the adoption of policies for the prevention, diagnosis and clinical management of HIV/AIDS, with the aim of reducing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reducing the rate of vertical transmission, mortality from HIV/AIDS and eliminating disease-related stigma and discrimination with a focus on vulnerable groups and key populations.
The fact that HIV/AIDS continues to be the main risk factor for Tuberculosis in Mozambique (Global Tuberculosis Control, 2019), is also one of the factors that contributes to making this area a priority for the health sector and the main research area for CISM.
Main objectives
Understand the special needs of management and clinical management of people living with HIV (PLHIV)
Understand the role of the HIV reservoir in curing infection
Participate in HIV vaccine and drug trial networks
CARE Linkage and retention in care following home-based HIV testing serosurveys in Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique
CATCH. Characterization of patterns of retention of mothers and their children in an HIV/ART clinic in Southern Mozambique
DIASPORA. Estimation of levels and patterns of migration among people living with HIV in the district of Manhiça, Southern rural Mozambique
EARTH Early Treated Perinatally HIV Infected Individuals: Improving Children's Actual Life
SUBWAY. Measuring final HIV mother-to-child transmission rates in rural Southern Mozambique
PIECE. Pediatric HIV Care Cascade, IeDEA sub-analysis
Preg_multidrug. assess the perceptions, behaviors and acceptability of HIV-infected pregnant women in relation to taking the various medications recommended in the prenatal consultation
VINCI. evaluate the strategies proposed by MISAU to increase health counseling and testing (HTA) in the district of Manhiça (funding suspended by the CDC last year and we are currently in the process of data analysis).
Other ongoing projects